Founded in 2018

Colegio Cajob

Colegio Cajob is a nonprofit private school situated in Viana, Luanda, Angola (Africa). With no government funding the school was founded in Feb 19 2018 to give children the opportunity of a better education from elementary to high school. The school is equipped with excellent teachers who are passionate to educate and prepare each student for University education in the pursuit of their dream careers.

Classrooms & Teachers

The school facility is made of two floors containing six classrooms each floor. Each classroom is capable to hold 35 students which sums up to a total of 420 students per school year. We currently have over 20 teachers in addition to school staff.


We aim to establish several locations within communities deprived of public schools and great education. Our present goal for the school in Viana is to further develop it by introducting new departments such as daycare-early education, and physical education facility.

Core Values

Aspiration, Respect, Honesty, Equality, Resilience, and Excellence.

Mission Statement

With the support of our partners and generous donors, we aspire to make decent education available for all children no matter their financial status and the communities they live in.  


CEO & Founder of Colegio Cajob

Cabutaco Jose is the founder of Colegio Cajob that offers children and youth in the district of Viana (Luanda, Angola) the opportunity for a great education. It all started by him realizing that he owns a great empty land at Viana wondering what he would do with it.

Thereafter, he took notice of challenges that parents and their children experienced just to get education. They’d have to travel long distances to public schools. Besides, not all children and students were accepted for enrolment in a particular school year due to exceeded capacity limit.

Moreover, many public schools in the rural communities are underdeveloped, lacking the education that youth need to excel in higher education such as University.Mr/ Cabutaco decided to tackle these issues by founding Colegio Cajob that would provide children and youth with affordable and effective education using his own savings with no government funding.

He is a Christian who believes in sharing the love of Jesus by creating opportunities for others . He currently lives in Ontario, Canada. Yet, he travels every year to oversee and carry out construction projects for the school.


COO of Colegio Cajob

Kassi Jose is a web/graphic designer, photographer, and owner of Flapstart, with a background in Accounting and order management. Along with his father, he oversees the operation of Colegio Cajob school, executes its visions, and manages its funding.

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